Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Where do the donations go?

  • Giving to Education charities was up 6.2% to $58.9 billion (14% of all donations).

  • Donations to Human Services charities were up 5.1% to $50.06 billion (12% of all donations).

  • Foundations saw an increase of 6% to $45.89 billion (11% of all donations).

  •  Health charities experienced an increase of 15.5% to $38.27 billion (9% of all donations).

  • Public-Society Benefit charities saw an increase of 7.8% to $29.59 billion (7% of all donations).


  • Giving to International charities decreased by 4.4% to $22.97 billion (6% of all donations).

  • Arts, Culture and Humanities saw an increase of 8.7% to $19.51 billion (5% of all donations).

  • Charities that focus on the Environment/ Animals saw an increase of 7.2% to $11.83 billion (3% of all donations).

  • Historically, Religious groups have received the largest share of charitable donations. This remained true in 2016. With the 2.9% increase in donations this year, 31% of all donations, or $127.37 billion, went to Religious organizations. Much of these contributions can be attributed to people giving to their local place of worship.

All data is the property of Giving USA 2018, the Annual Report on Philanthropy.

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